Q: What is Block Institute?
A: Block Institute’s Preschool program provides special education services to preschool students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP). If your child has been evaluated and has been mandated a special class setting through the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE), our program may be the right fit for you. Our classrooms are staffed with dedicated and experienced NYS certified Special Education Teachers, Teacher Assistants and Behavior Coaches. We also provide Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy as mandated on each student’s Individualized Education Plan.
Q: What is the daily and yearly schedule?
A: Block Institute provides services on a 12 month, school calendar, including a 6 week summer program, for those students that are mandated an extended school year.
Q: How will my child get to school?
A: Your child can be bussed to and from school, or you can transport your child to and from school.
Q: What does my child’s day look like?
A: Every classroom at Block Institute follows a daily schedule. Your child will participate in daily circle time activities, small and large group instruction, and time to learn through play. Your child will also attend special activities and his/her mandated related service sessions that are also embedded in his/her schedule.
Q: What special activities will my child attend at Block Institute?
A: Incorporated into each classroom’s schedule is time at our outdoor playground, aquatics in our heated pool, STEM activities, Pals with Paws, Recreational Specialist, Music Specialist and sensory gym. Students also participate in school wide assemblies and large group events.
Q: When and how will my child receive related services such as Speech, OT, and PT?
A: All of our providers maintain a weekly schedule to serve our students. Related services will be provided in collaboration with your child’s special education teacher in the classroom and/or in an individualized space. Services may also be provided in our sensory gym.
Q: Do you provide food for my child during the school day?
A: Our school has a contract with the NYC School Foods program. Your child will be provided with breakfast and lunch at no charge to you. If you have any food restrictions, be sure to discuss this with our school nurse during your screening.
Q: Do you allow for parent participation at Block Institute?
A: We offer two official parent/teacher conferences per year. On a daily basis, your child will have a communication notebook where you and the teaching staff will communicate about your child’s progress. You can also reach our teaching staff and related service providers after 2:15 pm if you need to speak with staff. It is best to pre-schedule a time to speak with staff, unless of course, it is an emergency. We also provide Parent Trainings once a month.