Our Approach
Block Institute is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to individuals with a wide range of developmental disabilities. Taking pride in a whole person approach, Block Institute administers Article 16 that are comprehensive and innovative. Servicing both children as well as adults with developmental disabilities, Block Institute provides each individual with an assigned Treatment Coordinator who ensures their clinical needs are met and quality care is provided. Our objective is to address every factor impacting an individual’s treatment goals ensuring optimal support necessary to assist each individual in reaching their highest level of clinical potential.
Block Institute’s Article 16 Clinic is devoted to facilitating habilitative growth of individuals who are cognitively, physically, emotionally, and/or developmentally disabled. Our professional service team executes a whole person approach, providing consideration of all facts in a person’s life, developing specialized treatment planning based on individual needs. Following a comprehensive evaluation of diagnosis impacting skills and abilities, we offer a full range of Article 16.
Article 16 Include:
Psychiatry/ Medication
Comprehensive Evaluations
Specialized Group Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech & Language Pathology

Our Team of Professionals
The Article 16 team regards each individual with integrity and respect, supporting self-advocacy in treatment, while consistently evaluating progress under care of Block provided clinicians. Together we review each individual case in order to maintain a personal level of understanding for how to best treat an individual’s diagnosis utilizing our whole person approach model. With emphasis placed on the sociological, environmental, biological, psychological, and individual factors of the person being reviewed, this dedicated team uses a system of checks and balances to determine variances impacting treatment, ensuring the right treatment is performed at the highest level of effectiveness.
We are committed to doing our best to help individuals succeed in their therapeutic objectives and progress to living a healthier lifestyle, allowing each person to fully participate as a member of their community.
Customized Services and Innovative Design
Article 16 treatment techniques are employed through innovative design and customized services based on individual diagnosis and need. We are unique in our effort to reach support systems of all participants who receive aid through our Article 16. Driven by a Whole Person Focus, specialty services are designed to advance the course of treatment for each individual. Providing the tools and support necessary to educate individuals as well as their network of care givers, our programs have been successful in promoting knowledge, choice, and advocacy. As a result, individual participants have been able to maintain a healthier lifestyle culminating in an overall higher level of functionality and prevention.

How Do I Qualify for Block Institute’s Clinical Program
In order to receive Article 16 through Block Institute, an individual must meet certain program criteria. The criteria for program acceptance includes developmental disability with an onset prior to age 22, such as a diagnosis on the Autism Spectrum (Autism, Aspergers, Pervasive Developmental Disability); mild, moderate, severe or profound Intellectual Disability; Cerebral Palsy; Down Syndrome; or Neurological Impairment.
The individual applying for program acceptance must have insurance. The clinic accepts Medicare and Medicaid. It is required that all applicants have a Medical and PPD good within one year, and have psychological and psychosocial evaluations identifying their developmental disability. If you do not have a psychological or psychosocial, the clinic can conduct both of these evaluations for enrollment. If applicable, a Life Plan or IEP, good within one (1) year, should be submitted with your referral packet. Services are provided at our main clinic site 2214 Stillwell Ave in Brooklyn, New York. Additionally we provide services at our satellite locations.