Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers make a significant difference in the lives of the children and adults served by Block Institute, and we welcome those who are interested in helping us to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families. A sampling of some of the volunteer opportunities at Block Institute includes:

Adult Day Services Volunteers — Assist with serving our adult population, includes helping to coordinate events/experiences, assisting staff while on community outings.

Children’s Services Volunteers Assist staff and children at Block Institute events, such as Harvest Festival, Brightest Star Awards, and may also provide support in classroom activities

Pals with Paws Pet Assisted Therapy Volunteers Assists with the care and handling of our therapy dogs.

Theater Arts Program Volunteers Assists members of Block Institute and Genesis Repertory Ensemble with the planning and implementation of drama program events

Internships College students studying special education, PT, ST, OT, psychology and related areas are encouraged to apply for internships within our various programs.

To become a volunteer or for additional information contact:

Arlene Lehman
Personnel Recruiter
376 Bay 44th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11214
Phone Number: 718-906-5430
Fax Number: 718-906-5485
E-Mail: alehman@blockinstitute.org